AMYA Hertfordshire Distributed Leaflets in Cambridge

Cambridge University Event Promotion Report


Members of Hertfordshire Regional Tabligh Team consisting of Yasir Irfan, Waqas ul Mannan, Dr Hasan Ahmad, Regional Nazim Tabligh Hertfordshire Mohammed Sbahuddin and Qaid of Cambridge Ibrahim Manto travelled to Cambridge to promote the upcoming Tabligh conference entitled “Is there a need for God/Religion in the 21st Century?” taking place on Saturday 7th May 2022 from 3pm – 5pm at St John’s College, Cambridge University. The event will feature talks from representatives of major religions as well as the MP of Cambridge, Daniel Zeichner, and a Keynote address by Dr Umar Nasser of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The promotion began on Sunday 17th April 2022 with Tabligh team members from Hertfordshire informing students of Cambridge University about the event. The team later moved on to the Grand Arcade Shopping Centre in Cambridge City Centre where the team approached and informed members of the public about the upcoming event. The promotion also included local parks and Cambridge Train station where leaflets about the event were distributed to the public and questions about the event were answered.

The event is an interfaith event with a variety of speakers from various faiths speaking about the need for God and religion in the 21st Century and the event will feature a Question and Answer session at the end where participants will have the opportunity to ask the distinguished panellists questions about their talks.