Muqami Region Tabligh Activities
On Saturday 16th November 2024 Muqami Region held a Tabligh Stall in Farnham town centre. By the Grace of Allah 5 Khuddam participated and helped to distribute 50 leaflets and books of the Jamaat. Various members of the public had engaging conversations with the Khuddam and Tabligh contacts were made.
On Wednesday 27th November 2024 children from Fernhurst Primary School, Haslemere visited Mubarak Mosque in Islamabad. The children and their teachers were given a guided tour of Mubarak Mosque followed by an interactive session with Murabbi Anas Mansoor Sahib and Mansoor Dahri Sahib. After the tour the children and teachers were provided with refreshments and treat bags.
On Saturday 30th November 2024 Muqami Region held its first Tabligh stall in the town of Winchester. In total 13 Khuddam from the Region participated and distributed approximately 200 leaflets. Various members of the public engaged in conversations with the Khuddam and as a result Tabligh contacts were made.