Mitcham Park – Local Ijtema 2025

Alhamdulilah, by the blessings of Allah the almighty, Mitcham Park has held a very successful Local Ijtema, The Ijtema was a 2-day event which was held in two different locations. The sports day was held on the 5th of January at Canons Leisure Centre Mitcham. The main ijtema day was held on the 12th January at Baitul Ehsan Mosque.

Sports Day

The day commenced at 10am, where Khudams and Atfal participated in various sport activities such as football, tug of war, badminton, 100 meter race and more. in Football where teams were divided into 3 groups.  Other support activities took place such as Badminton where khuddam were asked to partner up with one person and played 2 v 2 matches. Atfal were also participating in Football, Tug of war and 100-meter sprint.

Refreshments was served to both Atfal and Khuddam.

Main Ijtema

The day started with Namaz-e-Fajr followed by breakfast. The registration began at 8am where khuddam’s started to arrive at Baitul Eshan. By 9am we started our opening session which was chaired by Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Abdul Quddus Sahib. The session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran  Tilawat followed by a heartfelt Nazam and Adhan. Sadr Sahib spoke to khuddams about the theme of the Ijtema CASKET OF JEWELS and highlighted the importance of the theme. Upon this, he asked each member to tell him their favourite verse from the Holy Quran.

After the opening session academics for both khuddam and Atfal began which included Tilawat, Nazam, Adhan and prepared speeches.

At 11:30 am both Atfal and khudams participated in indoor sports which consisted of Push ups, Darts, and 8 pool.

Then after this Atfal and khuddam’s had a refreshment followed by Zahur prayer at 2pm.

After this we had our final session followed by a special guest Naib Sadr Anas Rana sahib, along with regional Qaid sahib. A short video was played to both khuddam and Atfal commencing with award ceremony session where prizes were distributed by regional Qaid and Naib Sadr Anas Rana sahib. After this we finished the Ijtema with silent prayer.

By the Grace of Allah, the almighty, the ijtema attendance report was 80% for Atfal and 76% for Khuddam.

View the full video report of the local Ijtema: